Saturday, September 18, 2010

Beryl Android Library

While working on my Android applications there's always a ton of code that I create that can be reused in other projects. For this I created a cherry picking project called Beryl.

This library has all sorts of functionality such as web service apis against Bing and Google as well as enhanced logging and HTTP REST.

Later on I'd like to add some custom themes to promote consistent look and feel across all my apps that are also visually pleasing. And actually complete some of the tasks that are in the project backlog.

Since this project is open source it is available to everyone and if you'd like to contribute please let me know.

Beryl Project Page -
Subversion Repository:

Lastly, there's a pretty sweet utility for Android developers that can automatically translate your Android Project string.xml into many different languages. Judging from the comments I get on the market they have been positive. I'll be posting that utility as a standalone project later on as well.

1 comment:

  1. Hello! In case you need to translate your Android app in multiple languages, and make it more visible to other markets, I suggest to try and simplify your localization process. Its interface is simple and easy to use, featuring plenty of useful features: API, translation memory, GitHub integration, WordPress plugin. It also supports open source projects for free, so have a look!
